About Us
Ever since the inception of MVPM in the 1920s, the organisation has consistently directed all its efforts towards fulfilling the vision of the three pioneers who laid the foundation of MVPM. When the educational institutions were few & located only in select cities, the following objectives were broadly conceived for the national benefit of the Marwari Maheshwari community. To ensure that the youth from all strata of the society can avail every type of education in every corner of the state without any complexity. In extension of the prior, we are aimed at establishing facilities like educational institutions and hostels, both for boys and girls, at places where none existed before, so that they can avail education of their choice from renowned institutions in the cities. Provision of scholarships, loan scholarships, prizes and free-ships to needy and meritorious youth so that they can pursue their studies without any hindrance. Our efforts have always been focused towards bringing about positive social change and the prior cannot be achieved without the empowerment of the womenfolk of the community. Our efforts have been channelized towards the prior by providing young women of our community opportunities that will enhance their academic and domestic credentials and also help them maintain a healthy professional and personal work life balance. Inculcating values of self-reliance in the community and bringing institutions with similar aims together through concerted effort. Identifying and rendering financial help to people who face hardships and who have little means of subsistence.

V.N.Lahoti Vidyarathi Bhavan

H.R.Rathi Vidyarathi Bhavan

RBHR.Rathi Vidyarathi Bhavan

L.L.Mundada Vidyarathi Bhavan

Murlidhar Sarda Vidyarathi Bhavan

Laxmi Hostel

MVPM Nirantar Hostel (Girls)